Category: LLF
The Ephesian Fund – a briefing paper for PCCs
Together for the Church of England had been approached by several members of Parochial Church Councils (PCCs) asking for guidance on the Ephesian Fund. This is a controversial initiative of the Church of England Evangelical Council whose full implications are not always grasped by PCCs wanting to make an informed decision. We have released a…
Together responds to LLF
Together for the Church of England has written to the Bishop of Leicester, lead bishop for Living in Love and Faith, outlining their perspective on the process and the upcoming work at General Synod. The letter has been supported by signatories from across the inclusive constituency of the Church of England. You can read the…
Praying Together – General Synod and LLF
In July the General Synod will be meeting and debating the next stages of Living in Love and Faith. As they meet Together for the Church of England would encourage you to reflect on the following points before God: In the substance of the debate the Synod will be receiving the House of Bishop’s recommendations…
A Response to Where LLF is Now
We write following February 2024 General Synod, the subsequent invitation from the Bishop of Leicester for members of Synod to volunteer for a series of groups to do further work on the detail required for the full implementation of the decisions taken by Synod in 2023, and today’s announcement of the Project Board, chaired by…