Work Programme

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In pursuing our aim of a Church free from discrimination, we have defined a current work programme based on the work of the current General Synod.  This programme will be kept under review and updated to be in line with the national agenda under debate at General Synod.  At present this means there is a significant focus on work around Living in Love and Faith, working to ensure the greatest possible affirmation of LGBTQIA+ people within the life of the Church of England.

Within our broad objectives we have identified a set of Quinquennial Goals for the current General Synod (which runs until July 2026):

a) To ensure fulfilment of the decisions of the House of Bishops, endorsed by General Synod, to formally approve services of blessing for same-sex couples, and to replace Issues in Human Sexuality with guidance which allows ordinands and clergy to enter same-sex marriage without restriction.

b) To encourage widening support for legislation to allow same-sex marriage in the Church of England in those parishes which wish to celebrate it.

c) To support the work of the Racial Justice Unit within General Synod.

d) To keep a watching brief on all General Synod business to ensure that equality is considered at all points

e) Campaign on behalf of all affected by discrimination in the Church today in other areas, including gender and gender identity, in partnership with other groups.

We will also maintain a focus on governance within the Church, working with partner organisations and diocesan networks regarding synodical elections.