Diocesan Contacts

red and white card with white and red background

We are developing diocesan based networks of Christians, both clergy and lay, who share our aims.  These networks can support one another in local campaigning, work to ensure strong representation in the governance structures of the Church of England, and be a voice in their diocese for greater equality.  We are also aware that there are many inclusive minded people currently in churches of a more conservative outlook who would appreciate being in touch with inclusive Christians in their area.  Forming those connections is something that a diocesan network could help with.  The diocesan networks are supported centrally by the national Together team.

Together already has a significant presence on the General Synod through elected members who share the aims of tackling discrimination.  Integrating this presence on General Synod with diocesan networks will make a significant difference to how equality and inclusion can be promoted in the Church.

If you would like to be in contact with your diocesan Together network, the contacts we currently have are as follows:

DioceseContactEmail Address
Bath & WellsNic Tallnictallsynod@gmail.com
BirminghamDeb Jewison togetherbham@gmail.com
BlackburnJacqueline Stamperj.stamper@btinternet.com
BristolMandy FordtogetherBristol@outlook.com
CanterburyRachel Webbley vicar@stalphege.org.uk
CarlisleValerie Hallardv.j.hallard@gmail.com
Nicki Penningtonrevnickipennington@gmail.com 
ChelmsfordJane Richards (Barking Episcopal Area)revjanerichards2@gmail.com
Kat D’arcy-Cumber (Bradwell Episcopal Area)katia.darcycumber@cantab.net
Sara Batts-Neale (Colchester Episcopal Area)revdrbatts@gmail.com
ChesterJosh Askwithjcaskwith@gmail.com
ChichesterDanny Peggtogetherchichester@gmail.com
CoventryMarcella Kingtogethercoventry@gmail.com
DerbyKat Alldreadkcalldread72@gmail.com
EuropeAnne BrownChaplain@fuertechurch.org
ExeterTim Collinsrevtimpaul@btinternet.com
GuildfordJo Winn-Smithjowinnsmith@hotmail.com
HerefordSimon Tarltonsimon.tarlton@gmail.com
LeedsDiana Tremaynedianatremayne@gmail.com
LeicesterClive Wattsrev.clive.watts@barrowandwoldsgroup.com
LichfieldRichard Edwardsredwards@doctors.org.uk
LincolnSu Toogoodstoogood1946@gmail.com
LiverpoolNadine Danielnadinedaniel423@gmail.com
LondonEmma Webbertogether.london.cofe@gmail.com
ManchesterAndy Salmonandy@sacredtrinity.org.uk
NewcastleNic Denyernicoladenyer27@gmail.com
NorwichGraham Kirk-Spriggsgraham.kirk-spriggs@outlook.com
OxfordPeter Barrettpeter.barrett500@gmail.com
PeterboroughMorna Simpsonmorna.simpson@peterborough-diocese.org.uk
PortsmouthSamantha Martellsamantha@martell.me.uk
RochesterCathy Knight-Scottvicar.sjs.asfc@gmail.com
Jane Rosamjanerosam@gmail.com
St AlbansSheila Bissellsheila.bissell62@gmail.com
St Eds and Ips  
SheffieldCathy Rhodestogethersheffield@gmail.com
Sodor & Man  
SouthwarkMae Christiemae.mouk@icloud.com
Paul Waddellpaulmartinwaddell@hotmail.co.uk 
Southwell & NottsDennis Tullydenistully@gmail.com
TruroAndrew Yatesyates252@btinternet.com
WinchesterVanessa Lawrencerevdvanessalawrence@gmail.com
York Sammi Tooze togetherinyorkdiocese@gmail.com